Wednesday 16 May 2012

TY night :)

On the 29th of May we are having our TY night to show our parents what we have done throughout the year. We will have different stands to show off each subject and what we have done in that subject, we will also have performances  to do, we have "Seasons of Love" to sing to represent our year together. We have been doing Zumba since after Christmas so we have a dance put together to show and also we have done another dance with one of the teachers in school which is 1920's dancing and we are doing it to the song - "Pencil full of Led" by Paolo Nutini. Im excited to preform it and see what my parents think. There are many other things we are doing. I will put up pictures from it :) 

Rachel x

Thursday 10 May 2012

Sci-Fest :)

Yesterday, The 9th of May all TYs headed off to the sci-fest science competition in Tallaght IT. My project is with Meg and Aoibheann and we did ours on the North Atlantic Drift and it was called "Could this be a Cool Current". It was really interesting and we were doing it on how Ireland's weather and how it could be effected in years to come because of the icebergs melting and global warming. It was a really good project to do and we learned about how animals are being affected. Yesterday we got to go around and see everyones projects and it was good :)

Geography Project :)

So for our next geography project we have to pick a topic and do the geog of it. So I decided to do mine on the geog of cocoa beans in Ghana and the primary, secondary and tertiary activities. Its such an interesting project to do as it really explains where the Cadbury chocolate we eat comes from and I love cadbury chocolate. It's weird to think where our chocolate comes from and how much of a process it goes through. Other girls are doing projects on hurricanes to the geog of dance and their is a wide variety. 
Thats all for now, 
Rachel xo 

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Gaisce :)

On Friday all TY's headed off to Kippure Center in Wicklow to do the hike for Gaisce presidents award. To do this award we had to take up 1 new skill, 1 new sport and a community involvement for 13 weeks and in one for 26 weeks so since I have started volunteering in Rapheal's every Wednesday, I have done tennis since September and I've also done piano since September. Then we go on a 25km hike in the Wicklow Mountains which is where we went on Friday and we stayed over. On Friday we did 13.5km and then we went back to our houses and stayed over and we had to cook our own meals it was great fun :) We got up on the Saturday at half 7 and we did another 13k it was hard but everybody motivated each other and we finally got it done we were home by 6 and id say everybody had a great sleep that night! 
Thats all for now
Rachel x 

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Santry :)

Yesterday 52 students from St Wolstan's headed off to Santry to take part in all the events. There was events from running to hurdles and also shot putt and javelin, it was such a successful day for St Wolstan's as Christine from 3rd year won the hurdling final so well done to her! There were loads of other schools there and the competition was very high! Well done to everyone who took part as everyone did so well in all their events. Also we have won for the last 2 years so this year were going for the 3rd year in a row and I think we have a great chance :)We have the finals tomorrow so I cant wait for that 
thats all for now,
Rachel x

Thursday 19 April 2012

Swim a Mile.. or half a mile :)

Tomorrow all TYs are heading off to do the "Swim a Mile" in the National Aquatic Center. This is to raise money for Barrestown and Crumlins Children's Hospital for children that have cancer. Also is charity is in memory of Ian Daly who passed away in 2004. Ian loved to swim so his parents thought that it would be a great idea to have a swim in memory of him and this has happened every year and has been a great success. The reason it is a mile is because they said they didn't want to make the swim easy and have it as a challenge just like the challenge Ian faced.If you were to swim the mile you would be swimming 64 lengths of a 25 meter pool. Also you can split into teams and do it that way. Its always a great day out and I cant wait :)

Thursday 29 March 2012

Rapheals Fun:)

Every Wednesday, I go to St Rapheals to help out with the men up there its called "Friendship Club" its only a 15 minute walk from the school and usually we sit inside and play games and talk to them about things they did during the day, its so much fun and I really enjoy going up. Yesterday Emma Niamh Niamh and I went up and it was so warm outside! That we had to go outside inside of staying in again. . So we went up to the field and we play chasing and then Shelly came down, Shelly is the women that works there and she helps us aswel, she brought drinks and sweets so we sat around around talking and eating the sweets soaking up the nice weather while we had it! After that she brought down footballs so we kicked them around and tried to score goals, it was such a good day and they all really enjoyed themselves as did I!
Thats all for now,
Rachel xo